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Patrick Borchers

Research Associate

  • Building: Helmholtz-Institute
  • Room: 0.13

Key Areas of Research

  • Assisted cardiac support


Curriculum Vitae


2012Abitur at Goethe-Gymnasium, Nauen
2012-2016Studies in Electrical Engineering at TU Berlin
2016Bachelor Thesis: „Power-Management-System für ein drahtloses Body-Sensor-Netzwerk“
2016-2019Studies in Biomedical Engineering at TU Berlin
2019Master Thesis: „Signal processing, system identification and controller design for an intelligent non-invasive blood pressure measurement system“



2013Internship at Siemens AG, Berlin
2015Internship at Coriant GmbH, Berlin
2017-2018Working Student at Berlin Heart GmbH, Berlin
Since 2019Scientific Employee at the Chair for Medical Information Technology, RWTH Aachen University