- Medit Project-Seminar: Information on Topics
- Medit visited Bosch Research Campus
MedIT at IEEE BSN 2017 in Eindhoven, NL
From May 9th to 12th, under auspices of Prof. Leonhardt, Prof. Guang-Zhong Yang (Imperial College London) and Dr. Joerg Habetha (Philips Research, Eindhoven) the IEEE BSN 2017 took place on the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. Mainsupport and host was Philips Research.
Two Days of the conference offered oral presentations, poster and 7 Keynote-Lectures, with clinical as well as industrial aspects of "Body Sensors". On the remaining 1.5 days workshops occurred to deepen the knowledge in BSN and get connected with other scientists. MedIT also contributed two workshops.
For further information check https://bsn.embs.org/2017/
Press release for IEEE BSN 2017.