Prizes and Awards

Simon Lyra and co-authors

“Klee-Price” by the German Society for Biomedical Engineering in the VDE (DGBMT)

2. Place - Dr.-Ing. Tobias Menden: „Frequency-differential electrical impedance tomography for thoracic tissue differentiation“

28th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering POSTER, Poster-Award, Session "History of Science and Technology"

3rd place - Nico Blass, Florian Voss: “Fostering Success: The History of Incubators”

28th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering POSTER, Poster-Award, Session "Biomedical Engineering"

1st place: Daniel Blase, Pu Xie: “Budy Surface Region Detection in Wound Images using Deep Learning”
3rd place: Jannik Prüßmann: “Simulation of Physiological Motion Artifacts in Capacitive Electrocardiography”

Workshop Biosignals Göttingen 2024

Awardees (Best Oral Presentation):
1st place - Idoia Badiola: Mapping of peripheral venous hemodynamics using a low-cost camera: a proof-of-concept
3rd place - Florian Voss: Camera Fusion for Improving Body Part Segmentation of Preterm Infants

RWTH FH Sportsday 2023 - Institute Olympics

2. Place - Lehrstuhl für Medizinische Informationstechnik (Participants: Jöran Rixen, Felix Röhren, Simon Lyra, Florian Voß and our students)

27th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering POSTER, Poster-Award, Session "Biomedical Engineering"

1. Place - Simon Lyra, Christoph Weiss: Deep Learning-Based Region Extraction for Photoplethysmography Imaging
3. Place - Urban Jacobs: Development and Validation of an Impedance Cardiography System for Integration into a Ventricular Assist Device
3. Place - Christoph Weiss: Detection of Basic Emotions by Automated Facial Expression Monitoring

RWTH FH Sportsday 2022 - Institute Olympics

2. Place - Lehrstuhl für Medizinische Informationstechnik (Participants: Idoia Badiola Aguirregomezcorta, Carl-Friedrich Benner, Lukas Bergmann, Lea Hansmann, Simon Lyra, Florian Voß)

26th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering POSTER, Poster-Award, Session "Biomedical Engineering"

1. Place - Patrick Borchers: Resistivity-based Determination of Pump-induced Hemolysis in Whole Blood
2. Place - Idoia Badiola: Bioimpedance Measurement System for the Investigation of Intracranial Dynamics
3. Place - Felix Röhren, Fabian Altenrath : A Toolchain Using Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) For Automated Drumming

26th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering POSTER, Poster-Award, Session "Informatics and Cybernetics"

3. Place - Lukas Bergmann: Hardware Design, Modeling and Wheelie Control of a Motorized Walker