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On May 21st, 2014, Professor Steffen Leonhardt was appointed Fellow of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities…
X. Russian-German Conference on Biomedical Engineering (RGC 2014) with the particiaption of MedIT will be held in St. Petersburg i…
Der Theodore von Karman Fellow Prof. Jaakko Malmivuo ist als Gast-Professor im Sommersemester 2014 am MedIT tätig. Er wird eine Vo…
The journal paper "Human motion classification based on a textile integrated and wearable sensor array " by Teichmann et al. is li…
Since 1951, the annual Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting is held in Lindau, Germany. It provides a platform for scientific dialogue an…
In SS 2014, Prof. Jaakko Malmivuo will stay as a visiting professor and Theodore von Kármán Fellow at the Philips Chair for Medica…
On 05.02.2014 the winners of the 3rd MedIT Hardware Contest with the kind support of Texas Instruments were chosen by Prof. Leonha…
On a proposal by the management of the Czech Technical University in Prague, the oldest state technical university in Central Euro…
Anake Pomprapa, Ph.D. student and research assistant at MedIT, wins the Best Paper Award at the SKIMA 2013 (The 7th International …
Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Jérôme Foussier participated in the Young Investigator Competition (YIC) at the IFMBE International Conference on H…