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M.Sc. Felix Röhren

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

  • Building: Helmholtz Institute
  • Room: 0.12

Research focus

  • Automated lung support and pandemic preparedness

Curriculum vitae


2013-2018Study of Electrical engineering, information technology and computer engineering at the University of Paderborn
2016Semester abroad at the University of Newcastle, Australia
2016Semester abroad at Queensland University of Technology, Australia
2018Bachelor thesis: "Autonomous and precise path tracking with RTK-GPS supported control based on open source"
2018-2021Studied electrical engineering, information technology and computer engineering at RWTH Aachen
2019Semester abroad at the University of California Santa Barbara, USA
2021Master's thesis: "Control of ankle joint actuation using functional electrical stimulation for automatic rehabilitation"


Professional background

2015Internship at HEIGHT TECH GmbH & Co. KG, Bielefeld
2017-2018Student Assistant at the Chair of Control and Automation Engineering (RAT), University of Paderborn
2019Internship at CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH, Harsewinkel
Since 2021Research Associate at Medical Information Technology, RWTH Aachen