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Idoia Badiola Aguirregomezcorta

Research Associate

  • Building: Helmholtz-Institut
  • Room: 0.10

Key Areas of Research

  •  Non-invasive determination of arteriovenous oxygen difference
  •  Light-tissue interaction


Curriculum Vitae


2011Abitur an der Santa María de la Providencia Schule (Aldatze), Eibar, Baskenland
2011-2015Bachelor Studies in Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Engineering at Universitat de Barcelona
2015Bachelor Thesis: „Development of a characterizing and electrical testing system for nanodevices“
2016-2019Master Studies in Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Engineering with Specification Biomedical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University
2018Master Thesis: „Development of a Bioimpedance Measurement System for the Analysis of Intracranial Dynamics“



2013-2015Student Research Assistant  at the Institut for Nanotechnology, Universitat de Barcelona
2013-2015Student Assistant for Projects at the student residence „CMU Penyafort-Montserrat“, Barcelona
2014-2015Internship at IGS Research, Tarragona
2019Internship at Philips Medical Systems, Hamburg
Since 2019Scientific Employee at the Chair for Medical Information Technology, RWTH Aachen University


Prizes and Awards

2011Scholarship for academic excellence funded by the Basque Government