Priv.-Doz. Dr.-Ing Marian Walter
Senior Engineer

- Building: Helmholtz-Institute
- Room: 0.02
- Telephone: +49 241 80-23523
- Fax: +49 241 80-623211
- E-mail:
Key Areas of Research
- Aided Heart Assistance
- Tele-Assist System
- Cooperative Control of ECMO
Curriculum Vitae
1985 | School: Gymnasialen Zweig at Schuldorf Bergstraße / Seeheim |
1987 - 1992 | Studies of Mathematics at TU Darmstadt University of Technology |
1990 - 1995 | Studies of Electrical Engineering, Specialisation Control Engineering at TU Darmstadt University of Technology, Dipl.-Ing.Degree |
2002 | PhD Thesis on "Mechatronic Systems for Hydrocephalus Therapy" |
2021 | Habilitation and attainment of the Venia Legendi |
Professional Career
1996 - 2001 | Scientific Researcher at the Institute of Automatic Control, TU Darmstadt University of Technology |
2001 - 2004 | R&D Department Anaesthesia, Dräger Medical GmbH&Co KgaA |
2003 - 2004 | Lecture Appointment at TU Hamburg Harburg University:"Methods of Automation and Control in Medical Engineering" |
Since 2004 | Senior Researcher at the Chair of Medical Information Technology, RWTH Aachen University |
2014 | DAAD short-term teaching at the IIT Madras, Department of Electrical Engineering, India |