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Neonatal Infrared Thermography Imaging

Fig. 1: Neonatal Infrared Thermography NIRT experimental setup.

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Precise and accurate neonatal surface temperature scanning will assist in pre-diagnosis and prediction of hyper-/hypothermia states of neonates. Especially noninvasive methods for visualizing and mapping neonate skin temperature will be used as temperature measurement standard in the future design of incubator units. Neonatal Infrared Thermography (NIRT) is considered a novel and prospective method for real-time scanning and monitoring of a neonate's body surface temperature. Therefore, a virtual temperature sensing module needs to be integrated into the neonatal incubator control loop. The virtual thermography sensing is based on advanced real-time image acquisition methods. Intelligent thermography pattern recognition algorithm virtual sensing element.

In this research the infrared thermal imaging was used for real time monitoring of neonate inside incubator or during intensive clinical procedure e.g. IR Radiant warmer, UV-Phototherapy and routine clinical care. The measurement of neonate's surface temperature and infrared spectral radiation to map the skin temperature profile on the 24h/7day base, and investigation metabolic interaction on preterm infants thermoregulatory process.

Project goals

  • Development of a virtual temperature sensing element to replace the classical contact temperature sensor in a neonatal incubator.
  • Development and setting of a new Automatic control technique strategy for neonatal incubator based on infrared thermography (IRT)method.
  • Accurate modeling and simulation of neonatal thermoregulatory process on the basis of spectral infrared thermography imaging.


  • Abbas K. Abbas und S. Leonhardt, System Identification of Neonatal Incubator based on Adaptive ARMAX Technique, 4th European Congress for Medical and Biomedical Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium, Nov 2008.
  • Abbas K. Abbas und S. Leonhardt, NIRT Pattern Classification based on ICA Clustering Algorithm,Farbbildverarbeitung Workshop FWS 2008, Aachen, Germany, Oct 2008.
  • Abbas K. Abbas , Konrad Heimann, Thorsten Orlikowsky and Steffen Leonhardt ,"Non-contact Respiratory Monitoring based on Real-time IR-Thermography 11thWorld Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7-12, 2009Munich, Germany.