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Prof. Leonhardt was awarded the VDE Badge of Honour: s. Badge of Honour PDF
Kai Schröder passed his IHK final examination for Mathematical Technical Software Developer (MATSE) on August 28 and defended his …
Prof. Steffen Leonhardt has been accepted to the IEEE Technical Committee of Cardiopulmonary Systems and Physiology-Based Engineer…
The MedIT welcomes Mr. Felix Dupont as a new apprentice. Mr. Dupont will start working for us in August 2021. We are looking forwa…
Summer tour stop: Helmholtz Institute. With an interdisciplinary research team, Prof. Leonhardt developed a ventilator on a volunt…
The MedIT congratulates our alumnus Dr.-Ing. Daniel Rüschen on the award of the Borchers plaque. Certificate
On June 8, Dr. Walter passed his habilitation examination. The Chair of Medical Information Technology congratulates.
The paper "Design and First Operation of an Active Lower Limb Exoskeleton with Parallel Elastic Actuation" is featured on the cove…
MedIT welcomes Mr. Daniel Blase as a new research associate. Mr. Blase will start in October 2021. We are looking forward to a fru…
MedIT welcomes Mr. Daniel Voss as a new research associate. Mr. Voss will start in Mai 2021. We are looking forward to a fruitful …