
"Multi-frequency Electrical Impedance Tomography for Monitoring Lung Diseases" (in English)

Author: Susana Aguiar Santos

Defense of PhD Thesis: November 9th, 2018

Link: http://www.shaker.de/shop/978-3-8440-6378-3

"Kardiale Neuromodulation: Herzfrequenzsenkung mittels endokardialer Elektrostimulation" (in German)

Author: Antje Pohl geb. Schommartz

Defense of PhD Thesis: October 9th, 2018

Link: http://www.shaker.de/shop/978-3-8440-6380-6

"Kooperative Automatisierung der Therapie des akuten Lungenversagens mit extrakorporaler Unterstützung und künstlicher Beatmung" (in German)

Author: Christian Brendle

Defense of PhD Thesis: September 25th, 2018

Link: http://www.shaker.de/shop/978-3-8440-6288-5

"Schlaf/Wach-Klassifizierung mit kardiorespiratorischen Merkmalen der Recurrence Quantification Analysis" (in German)

Author: Jérôme Rolink geb. Foussier

Defense of PhD Thesis: September 7th, 2018

Link: http://www.shaker.de/shop/978-3-8440-6370-7

"Entwicklung eines textilen 12-Kanal-EKGs mit aktiven Elektroden" (in German)

Author: Anna Böhm geb. Kerekes

Defense of PhD Thesis: June 11th, 2018


"Body Temperature Assessment for Improving Clinical Monitoring and Care in Neonatology" (in English)

Author: Carina Barbosa Pereira

Defense of PhD Thesis: April 6th, 2018

Link: http://www.shaker.de/shop/978-3-8440-5969-4

"On Sensor Fusion for Multimodal Cardiorespiratory Signals" (in English)

Author: Christoph Hoog Antink

Defense of PhD Thesis: Feb. 19th, 2018

Link: http://www.shaker.de/shop/978-3-8440-5872-7