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Dr.-Ing. Tobias Wartzek wins the award for Patient Safety in Medical Engineering 2015 of the DGBMT.
On Saturday 07.11.2015 the MSP430 Microcontroller Seminar will take place in cooperation with the VDE Hochschulgruppe.  The semin…
On July 15th, 2015 as a part of the final event of the project/seminar, the award ceremony of the MedIT Hardware Contest sponsored…
27th - 28th May 2015: In this year's excursion week the Philips Chair of Medical Information Technology visited the companies Aesc…
Prof. Leonhardt co-authored a new EIT-Booklet by Dräger Medical. Release date: May 2015.
The OR.NET project is presented at conhIT 2015. In addition to a public status meeting on April 15, 2015 a demonstrator of the mod…
The 11th German Russian Conference formerly Russian Bavarian Conference on Biomedical Engineering will take place in Aachen 17-19 …
On April 1, 2015 37 VDIni children attended the Helmholtz - Institute for Biomedical Engineering . Professor Leonhardt and various…
Prof. Steffen Leonhardt was appointed "Distinguished Lecturer" of the IEEE "Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS)".
Siying Wang was awarded the Viktor und Mirka Pollak-Prize for Biomedical Engineering 2014 for her diploma project called "Developm…