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On 25th/26th May, a high-level delegation of Dräger Medical was visiting our chair. Among the guests were Dr. Herbert Fehrecke (CE…
On Saturday 12th, the microcontroller seminar in cooperation with VDE's university group took place for the second time. In a lot …
In the competition "Ideenpark Gesundheitswirtschaft", organized by the 'Financial Times Germany' for the seventh time, the consort…
The Chair for Medical Information Technology takes part at the exhibition of the BMWi funded smartOR-project together with 8 proje…
2. March 2012: at the "46. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium" (46. German Control Engineering Meeting) in Boppard, Inga Elixmann and…
7. Jan 2012: Anake Pomprapa, research assistant and Ph.D. student at MedIT, wins the first price in the student competition at IEE…
Düsseldorf, 19. Nov. 2011: Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Wartzek, scientific employee and Ph.D. student at MedIT, wins the 1. Price in the MED…
Freising, 22. Nov. 2011: Two MedIT Ph.D. students, Dipl.-Ing Jerome Foussier and Dipl.Ing. Daniel Teichmann, as well as Mrs. Dipl.…
30th Sept. 2011: Dipl.-Ing. Christian Brendle receives the Viktor und Mirka Pollak-Prize on Medical Engineering 2011 for his excel…
Dr.- Ing. Matthias Steffen was a mong this year's winners of the Borchers Medal for graduate students who passed their doctoral ex…