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Effective Dec. 11th, 2009, Prof. Leonhardt has been appointed "affiliate graduate faculty member" by the School of Engineering, Vi…
Scientists want to improve cancer prevention and hip surgery Aachener researchers successful in Medical Technology Innovation Com…
In der 104. Sitzung des Kuratoriums der Heinrich Hertz-Stiftung am 26. Oktober 2009 erhielt Prof. Leonhardt ein Forschungsstipendi…
Also this year the MedIT team has been represented with three posters at the "13th International Students' Conference on Engineeri…
Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Wartzek wins the first prize with his contribution "Automatisierung der extrakorporalen Membranoxygenierung"…
Dipl.-Ing. Moritz Pistor received the "Werner von Siemens Excellence Award" for his diploma theses "Development and Construction o…
For their outstanding work "Enhancement of Automated Protective Ventilation Strategies in Acute Respiratory Failure Using Electric…
As part of the second DFG Academy for Excellence in Biomedical Engineering titled "Monitoring and Computing in Perioperative Medic…