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On the 14th of July, the annual faculty soccer tournament took place at the Joseph-Glockner-Sportanlage Aachen Hörn, with teams co…
The paper "Robust Assistance Control of Left Ventricular Assist Devices" by Daniel Rüschen et al. was awarded with the second priz…
On June 16th 2017, during a ceremony and by invitation of the president of the senate of the parliament of the Czech Republic, Pro…
Ford and MedIT have a succesfull kooperation in research and develop to bring biomedical technique inside a car. The cooperation w…
The Pentecost excursion, this year headed to the Bosch Research Campus with almost 20 students. MedIT would like to thank Bosch fo…
From May 9th to 12th, under auspices of Prof. Leonhardt, Prof. Guang-Zhong Yang (Imperial College London) and Dr. Joerg Habetha (P…
Die Themen für Seminare und Projekte des Lehrstuhls für das Sommersemester 2017 stehen fest. Informationen findet Ihr hier. Auftak…
This month a BMBF funded project for automated and continuous wound monitoring started at MedIT. This project will include the dev…
Mikrocontroller sind in der heutigen Zeit nicht mehr wegzudenken. Sie dienen dem schnellen und unkomplizierten Auslesen von Sensor…
The Quick Seminar "The Joy of Soldering" took place on the evening of the March 8th in the premises of MedIT. In two hours the bas…