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High-ranking visitor from Frankfurt: on June 23, 2023, MedIT was visited by the Indian Consul General Dr. Amit Telang, Consul Vino…
W had a great time last week at the Innovation Day of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, whe…
On this year's Whitsun excursion, MedIT visited Weinmann Emergency Medical Technology and Löwenstein Medical in Hamburg with almos…
At the Institute Olympics RWTH FH Sportsday 2023, MedIT successfully defended its 2nd place of the previous year out of more than …
From May 10 to May 14, a delegation of the MedIT team as well as some WMAs of IHTA and ISEA visited the POSTER conference in Pragu…
In cooperation with the Neonatology and Intensive Care Medicine Section of the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at…
We recently had the opportunity to participate in the 16th Interdisciplinary Symposium on "Automatisierungstechnische Verfahren fü…
On April 21, 2023, Umutcan Uguz passed his doctoral examination. The Chair of Medical Information Technology congratulates.
Zusammen mit der Klinik für Altersmedizin (Med. Klinik VI) der RWTH Aachen University hat das MedIT einen Scheck über 39.450 Euro …
Welcome to Shubhanshu Sharma, PhD student at our partner university IIT Madras, who is staying with us from April 2023 - September…